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Notes on adding news

  • Priority: High - shows on the front page. Medium - shows everywhere except the front page. Low - skips the RSS.

  • Inserting uploaded pictures: [img1 c]Caption text[/img1] - this code inserts uploaded image 1, aligns it on the right and puts a caption text below it. Text is optional. Available image positions: l - left, r - right, c - center. To insert an image without alignment/caption: [img1]. Use c whenever unsure. Cases where left or right alignment are necessary are extremely rare and will be taken care of by staff.

  • At least the first mention of a band should be formatted in [band] tags, e.g. [band id=94]Emperor[/band] instead of Emperor. Using the id attribute is not required. You can use the copy tag () function of Metal Storm's site search to obtain band tags.
    If a band cannot be found via tag, it will automatically be set in bold font instead.

  • At least the first mention of a release, such as an album or single, should be formatted in [album] tags if the release is already featured on Metal Storm.
    E.g. [album id=623]Anthems To The Welkin At Dusk[/album] instead of Anthems To The Welkin At Dusk. You can use the copy tag () function of Metal Storm's site search to obtain album tags.
    If an album is not on Metal Storm, use [album] tags with a band_id attribute like so: [album band_id=94]Anthems To The Welkin At Dusk[/album]. Formatting will be applied automatically and once the album is on Metal Storm, it will automatically be linked.

  • To break off the lead manually (the short snippet appearing in updates and on the front page), insert the [cut] tag where you want the lead to end. Otherwise it will be done automatically.

  • Titles should come in a 'Band - Title' form and not otherwise. (Ex. Swallow The Sun - Live Video Posted Online). Also don't forget to capitalize the title.

  • Always state the source for the news. News without the Source field filled have a very good chance of being rejected.

  • News should be sourced from the bands' official websites (or similar official sites eg. band newsletters, official myspace sites, label sites, etc). News articles copied or sourced from other news sites (such as Blabbermouth, etc) will be simply rejected.

  • Edit long news! Leave what's important and drop all the rest.

  • If the message comes from a band member / manager (a first-person narrative), don't simply copy-paste it. Rephrase it as a third-person narrative, or if it's too hard for you, enclose the text in quotes and above it write something like 'Posted by Tom Englund on the official site:'

  • Format the text. Remove double and triple line-breaks. Edit band names written entirely in upper case. Many news come as a complete mess - don't leave them this way. If you're not sure your news report is made according to all the notes stated above, read some news articles in the News Section as an example.